{ flower spotlight | hot blooms }
with the tempuratures in southern utah rising it seems like the perfect time to share this article we worked on with amie pendle featured in southern utah bride magazine
living in the desert and having an outdoor wedding during
the summer is enough to make even the bravest of brides twitch with
nervousness. it is possible for flowers
to stand up to the southern utah summer heat thought. it’s actually quite easy to keep flowers
happy and here is no doubt that you and your wedding party will be able to pull
off making your flowers arrangements last!
let us help you prepare for your big day by following these simple
steps. you will be walking down the
aisle to very happy, perky flowers.
as you shop for the perfect florist, be sure to find a local
professional that knows the ins and outs of what blooms work best in our
southern utah climates and seasons. very
often the flowers a professional florist will have access too will be of a much
higher quality and freshness then those you would find on your own.
it’s important to understand that some flowers are more
tolerant to heat than others. those
flowers will be less finicky and will require less attention. they are all naturally desert plants and very
popular in southern utah weddings. take
a look at these beauties for a naturally organic and desert feel.
now we understand not everyone’s style is desert or
organic. you might want to try some of
these blooms that hold up better in high temperatures
if you know that you are planning an outdoor wedding in the
heat of summer, take precautions and plan for the heat. if you are too hot, your flowers are too!
- keep your flowers in water!
- have a place to keep flowers cool! cut flowers prefer 34 degree temperatures
- if reception and ceremony will be during the day, try keeping them in the shade or indoors
- only bring them out in the higher temperatures for short amounts of time
- hire professionals who are familiar with caring for flowers in hot climates
now that we have armed you with
some knowledge for heat defense that you need to successfully keep your flowers
arrangements happy and gorgeous, treat your blooms like babies. never leave them in a hot car, or place them
on hot sidewalks or rocks. be sure to
keep your season in mind when choosing your flowers and you will have the
perfect blooms for your day!
photography + article | amie pendle
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